SA.318C Alouette II

SA.318C Alouette II

TypeLight helicopter

Photo gallery of a SA.318C Alouette II, The Aérospatiale Alouette II is a light helicopter originally manufactured by Sud Aviation and later Aérospatiale, both of France. The Alouette II was the first production helicopter to use a gas turbine engine instead of the conventional heavier piston powerplant. The Alouette II was mostly used for military purposes in observation, photography, air-sea rescue, liaison and training, but it has also carried anti-tank missiles and homing torpedoes. As a civilian helicopter it was used for casualty evacuation (with two external stretcher panniers), crop-spraying and as a flying crane, with a 500-kilogram (1,100 lb) external underslung load.

Source: Alouette II on Wiki

SA.318C Alouette II
PhotographerJaro Mucha
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Alouette II SE3130 Walk Around
PhotographerDmitri Sribnyi
Alouette II Walk Around
PhotographerCees Hendriks

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More info:

The SA.318C Alouette II is a light helicopter developed by the French company Sud Aviation in the 1950s. It was the first production helicopter to use a gas turbine engine instead of a piston engine, which gave it better performance and reliability. The Alouette II was widely used for civil and military purposes, such as transport, observation, rescue, training, and aerial work. It could carry up to five passengers or two stretchers. The Alouette II was also exported to many countries and licensed to be built in Germany, India, and Switzerland. The Alouette II set several world records for altitude and distance flights, and was the first helicopter to land on Mount Everest in 1960. The Alouette II was retired from service in the 1990s, but some examples are still flying today as private or museum aircraft.

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