アエロンカ L-3B グラスボーパー

Aeronca L-3

役割 観測・連絡機
初飛行 1941
構築 知りません

アエロンカ L-3 観測と連絡機のグループは、第二次世界大戦でアメリカ陸軍航空隊によって使用されました。L-3シリーズは、アエロンカの戦前のタンデムトレーナーとチーフモデルから適応されました。

ソース: ウィキペディアのアロンカ L-3
Aeronca L-3B Grasshoper Walk Around
カメラマン ウラジーミル・ヤクボフ
ローカライズ MCASミラマー航空ショー
写真 65



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第二次世界大戦:電撃戦から原子爆弾までの決定的なビジュアルヒストリー(DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon (アマゾン) 地図による第二次世界大戦の地図(地図によるDKの歴史地図) - Amazon (アマゾン)


The Aeronca L-3 Grasshopper was a light observation and liaison aircraft used by the United States Army Air Corps during World War II. It was derived from the pre-war Aeronca 50 Chief and Aeronca 65 Chief models, which were tandem-seat monoplanes with high wings. The L-3 Grasshopper had a 65 hp Continental engine and a widened and extended canopy that improved visibility for the pilot and observer. The L-3 Grasshopper was used for spotting enemy activities, directing artillery fire, transporting personnel and supplies, and performing short-range reconnaissance missions. It could land and take off from unprepared fields and operate in various climates and terrains. The L-3 Grasshopper was also used by the Free French Forces in North Africa and Europe, as well as by the US Navy as the LNR-1. Some L-3 Grasshoppers were converted into gliders for training purposes, designated as TG-5. The Aeronca L-3 Grasshopper was a versatile and reliable aircraft that served an important role in World War II.

再生 : 1649
