Transall C-160

Transall C-160

RuoloAerei da trasporto
Primo volo25 febbraio 1963

Le Transall C-160 (spesso C.160 o semplicemente Transall) è un aereo da trasporto militare, progettato e prodotto come joint venture tra Francia e Germania. Transall è l'abbreviazione del consorzio appositamente costituito Transporter Allianz, che comprende le società MBB, Aerospatiale e VFW-Fokker. Inizialmente è stato sviluppato per soddisfare i requisiti per un moderno aereo da carico per le forze aeree francesi e tedesche; le vendite all'esportazione sono state effettuate anche in Sudafrica e in Turchia, nonché un piccolo numero ad operatori civili.

fonte: Transall C-160 su Wikipedia

C-160R Transall
FotografoMeindert de Vreeze
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Per saperne di più:

The Transall C-160 is a military transport aircraft that was developed by a consortium of French and German aircraft manufacturers. It was designed to meet the requirements of the air forces of both countries for a medium-range tactical airlifter that could operate from short and unprepared airstrips. The C-160 first flew in 1963 and entered service in 1967. It has been used for various missions, including troop and cargo transport, paratroop drop, medical evacuation, aerial refueling, electronic warfare, and maritime patrol. The C-160 has a high-wing configuration with four turboprop engines, a rear loading ramp, and a retractable landing gear. It can carry up to 93 troops or 16 tons of cargo. It has a range of about 1,800 km (1,100 mi) with a full load and a maximum speed of 513 km/h (319 mph). The C-160 has been exported to several countries, including Turkey, South Africa, and Indonesia. It has also been modified for special operations and humanitarian relief. The C-160 is still in service with some operators, but it is gradually being replaced by newer aircraft such as the Airbus A400M Atlas.

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