Bandvagn BV 206S
Bandvagn 206

Bandvagn 206 (Bv 206) egy lánctalpas, csuklós, terepjáró hordozó, amelyet a Hägglunds fejlesztett ki (jelenleg a BAE Systems Global Combat Systems része) a svéd hadsereg számára. Két egységből áll, mind a négy sín meghajtású. Akár 17 személy szállítására is alkalmas (6 az első rekeszben, 11 a hátsó rekeszben), és a pótkocsi egység különböző felhasználásokhoz igazítható.

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BV-206 Séta
FotósHans-Hermann Buhling
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Bandvagn BV 206S Séta

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További információ:

A Bandvagn 2 (Bv 2) is a tracked articulated all-terrain vehicle developed by Hägglunds (now part of BAE Systems) for the Swedish Army. It is the successor of the Bandvagn 202 and the predecessor of the Bandvagn 206. The Bv 2 was designed to transport troops and equipment through snow and rough terrain in cold regions. It consists of two units, with all four tracks powered. It can carry up to 17 people (6 in the front unit and 11 in the rear unit), and the rear unit can be adapted for different applications, such as ambulance, command post, cargo, etc.
The Bv 2 has a Ford V8 petrol engine that provides 200 hp and a top speed of 65 km/h on roads. It can also swim in water with a speed of 4 km/h, propelled by its tracks. The Bv 2 entered service with the Swedish Army in 1974 and was used until the late 1980s, when it was replaced by the more modern Bv 206. Some Bv 2s were also exported to other countries, such as Norway, Finland, Germany and Canada.

Megtekintés : 1875

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