Sikorsky S-39C

Sikorsky S-39

Ensimmäinen lento1930-luku

Nniiden Sikorsky S-39 oli yhdysvaltalainen kevyt amfibiolentokone, jonka Sikorsky Aircraft valmisti 1930 -luvun alussa. S-39 oli pienempi, yksimoottorinen versio S-38: sta.

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Sikorsky S-39C kävelee ympäriinsä
ValokuvaajaVladimir Jakubov
LokalisointiFantasia lennosta, Polk City
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Nniiden Sikorsky S-39 was a light amphibious aircraft developed by Sikorsky Aircraft in the early 1930s. It was a smaller, single-engine version of the S-38, with a capacity of four or five passengers and a payload of about 1,200 pounds. The S-39 was powered by a Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Junior radial engine that produced 300 horsepower. The S-39 had a cruising speed of 120 mph, a maximum speed of 125 mph, a range of 400 miles and a service ceiling of 15,800 feet.
The S-39 was used for various purposes, such as exploration, transport, military liaison and coastal patrol. One of the most famous users of the S-39 was the filmmaker couple Martin and Osa Johnson, who flew a giraffe-patterned S-39 named Spirit of Africa across Africa to make safari movies and books. Another notable user was Edward A. Deeds, who had a yacht named Lotosland that could accommodate an S-39 for his travels. The United States Army Air Corps also acquired one S-39 in 1932 and designated it as Y1C-28, later C-28. It was evaluated for coastal patrol and light transport roles, and later assigned as a liaison aircraft to the United States Military Academy.
Only 21 S-39s were built between 1929 and 1932, and only three of them survive today. One is on display at the New England Air Museum in Connecticut, one is airworthy at Fantasy of Flight in Florida, and one is under restoration in California.

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