Lockheed MC-130P

Lockheed MC-130

RooliErikoisoperaatiot sotilaskuljetuskoneet
Ensimmäinen lentoHuhtikuu 2011

Nniiden Lockheed MC-130 on perusnimitys yhdysvaltain ilmavoimien erikoisoperaatioiden komennon (AFSOC), ilmakoulutus- ja koulutuskomennon siiven ja ilmavoimien reservikomennon AFSOC:n saaman siiven, operoimalle erikoisoperaatiolentokoneperheelle. Lockheed C-130 Hercules -kuljetukseen perustuvan MC-130: n tehtävät ovat erikoisjoukkojen tunkeutuminen, suodattaminen ja toimittaminen sekä (ensisijaisesti) erikoisoperaatioiden helikopteri- ja kallistusroottorikoneiden ilmatankkaus.

Lähde: Lockheed MC-130 Wikipediassa

Lockheed MC-130P Combat Shadow Walk ympäriinsä
ValokuvaajaVladimir Jakubov
LokalisointiCapital Cityn lentonäytös
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Hercules C-130
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Nniiden Lockheed MC-130 is a special operations aircraft that belongs to the United States Air Force. It is designed to perform low-level infiltration, exfiltration, and resupply missions in hostile or denied airspace. The MC-130 can also conduct aerial refueling of helicopters and tilt-rotor aircraft, as well as psychological operations and information warfare. The MC-130 is based on the C-130 Hercules transport plane, but has several modifications and enhancements to increase its survivability and performance. Some of these include advanced navigation and communication systems, terrain-following radar, electronic countermeasures, infrared sensors, and aerial delivery systems. The MC-130 has a crew of five: pilot, co-pilot, navigator, electronic warfare officer, and loadmaster.
The MC-130 can carry up to 77 troops or 52 paratroopers, or up to 25,000 pounds of cargo. The MC-130 has a range of over 3,000 miles and a top speed of 300 miles per hour. The MC-130 has been in service since 1966 and has participated in various conflicts and operations around the world, such as Vietnam War, Operation Eagle Claw, Operation Urgent Fury, Operation Just Cause, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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