Dornier Do 31 E3

Dornier Do 31E3

Ensimmäinen lento10 February 1967
Nniiden Dornier Do 31 was a West German experimental VTOL jet transport built by Dornier. The Do 31 was designed to meet a NATO specification (NBMR-4) for a tactical support aircraft for the EWR VJ 101 VTOL strike aircraft designed under the NATO contract of BMR-3. The project was cancelled in 1970 owing to high costs, technical problems and a change of requirement.

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Dornier Do 31E3 – WalkAround
ValokuvaajaEugeny Dedigurov
LokalisointiFlugwerft Shleisheimin museo
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The Dornier Do 31E3 was a German experimental jet-powered vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft designed in the 1960s. It was intended to be a transport aircraft for the NATO forces in Europe, capable of carrying up to 36 troops or 4 tons of cargo. The Do 31E3 was the third and final prototype of the Do 31 series, which featured four lift engines in the wingtips and two cruise engines in the rear fuselage.
The Do 31E3 made its first flight in July 1969 and achieved a successful transition from vertical to horizontal flight and back. However, the project was cancelled in 1970 due to technical difficulties, high costs and changing military requirements. The Do 31E3 was the only VTOL aircraft of its size and class to ever fly, and remains a remarkable achievement in aviation history.

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