Gaz-46 MAV

GAZ 46

Rooli4×4 amfibiojeeppi
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Nniiden GAZ-46, armeijan nimi MAV (venäläinen, малый автомобиль водоплавающий, pieni kelluva auto), on venäläisvetoinen kevyt nelivetoinen amfibioajoneuvo, joka tuli käyttöön 1950-luvulla ja jota monet itäblokin liittoutuneet ovat käyttäneet siitä lähtien. Toisen maailmansodan aikana Kanada, Iso-Britannia ja Yhdysvallat välitti venäjälle suuria määriä sotilasmateriaalia. Niiden joukossa oli jeeppejä, kuorma×autoja ja amfibioajoneuvoja, kuten 6×6 DUKW ja 4×4 Ford GPA. Viimeksi mainittuja käytettiin auttamaan miehiä ja varusteita yli itäeurooppaisten jokien yli ja torjumaan saksalaisia. Tällaisten ajoneuvojen ansioiden vuoksi Venäjä päätti sodan jälkeen kehittää kaksi samanlaista ajoneuvoa, joissa käytetään kotimaisia autonosia, BAV, joka vastaa DUKW:tä, ja MAV, joka vastaa Fordin GPA:ta.

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MAV (Gaz-46) Walk Around
PhotographerIgor Suhin
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The GAZ 46 was a Soviet amphibious vehicle that was designed and produced in the late 1940s and early 1950s. It was based on the chassis of the GAZ 67B jeep, but with a boat-shaped body and a propeller for water propulsion. The GAZ 46 was intended for reconnaissance, communication and transportation of personnel and cargo across rivers and lakes. It could carry up to four passengers and 300 kg of cargo, or tow a trailer with up to 500 kg of cargo. The GAZ 46 had a four-wheel drive system and a four-speed manual transmission. It was powered by a 3.3-liter inline-four engine that produced 54 horsepower and gave it a top speed of 90 km/h on land and 10 km/h on water. The GAZ 46 had a fuel capacity of 70 liters and a range of 400 km on land and 12 hours on water.
The GAZ 46 was equipped with a folding canvas roof, a windshield that could be lowered, and a spare tire mounted on the rear. The GAZ 46 was also armed with a Degtyaryov machine gun that could be mounted on the front or rear of the vehicle. The GAZ 46 was used by the Soviet Army and Navy, as well as by some of its allies in the Warsaw Pact and other countries. It was also exported to China, North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba. The GAZ 46 was eventually replaced by the BRDM-1 in the late 1950s.

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