JH 7A Leopardo Volador

Xi’an JH-7

PaísRepública Popular China
Primer vuelo14 de diciembre de 1988

El Xi'an JH-7 (Jianjiji Hongzhaji – cazabombardero; El nombre de informe de la OTAN Flounder), también conocido como FBC-1 (Fighter/Bomber China-1) Flying Leopard, es un cazabombardero bimotor biplaza en tándem en servicio con la Fuerza Aérea Naval del Ejército Popular de Liberación (PLANAF) y la Fuerza Aérea del Ejército Popular de Liberación (PLAAF). Los principales contratistas son Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation (XAC) y el 603rd Aircraft Design Institute (más tarde llamado First Aircraft Institute of AVIC-I).

Fuente: Xi'an JH-7 en Wikipedia

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Más información:

The Xi’an JH-7 is a fighter-bomber aircraft developed by China for its naval and air force. It has a tandem two-seat cockpit, a swept-wing design and two WS-9 turbofan engines with afterburners. The JH-7 can carry up to 9,000 kg of various weapons, including anti-ship missiles, air-to-surface missiles, bombs and rockets. The JH-7 entered service in 1992 and has been upgraded to the JH-7A variant, which has improved avionics, radar and electronic warfare systems. The JH-7 is also known as the FBC-1 (Fighter/Bomber China-1) Flying Leopard and has the NATO reporting name Flounder.

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