QF 25pdr Марк II полеви пистолет

QF 25pdr Марк II полеви пистолет

В експлоатация1940–до момента

Фото галерия на QF 25pdr Марк II полеви пистолет, The Ordnance QF 25-pounder, or more simply 25-pounder or 25-pdr, was the major British field gun and howitzer during World War II. It was introduced into service just before the war started, combining high-angle and direct-fire, relatively high rates of fire, and a reasonably lethal shell in a highly mobile piece. It remained the British Army’s primary artillery field piece well into the 1960s, with smaller numbers serving in training units until the 1980s. Many Commonwealth of Nations countries used theirs in active or reserve service until about the 1970s and ammunition for the weapon is currently being produced by Pakistan Ordnance Fac. Знакът II: монтиран на каретата Марк I е стандартният пистолет по време на Втората световна война. Те са построени в Австралия и Канада, но най-вече във Великобритания. Доставките (от производството на Великобритания) започват в началото на 1940 г. и за първи път влизат в експлоатация с канадски полк, настанен във Великобритания през май 1940 г. Без Ordnance 25-pr Mk 2 на Карета 25-pr Mark 1 са загубени във Франция. Този пистолет изстреля всички обвинения, 1 – 3 и Супер. През 1942 г. на пистолета е монтирана муцуна спирачка, за да се елиминира нестабилността, причинена при стрелба на 20 lb AP обвивката с Charge Super при преки ъгли на ниско възвишение на огъня. За да се запази балансът на пистолета върху trunnions също е монтирано тегло за противодействие, точно пред брич пръстена. Обозначението на модифицирания пистолет не е променено. В крайна сметка всички оръжия, служещи в Европа, бяха толкова обърнати.

Източник: QF 25pdr Марк II полеви пистолет на Уики

Canadian QF 25pdr Mark II Field Gun Walk Around
ФотографРанди Джей Рей
ЛокализацияImperial War Museum, London
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Canadian QF 25pdr Mark II Field Gun Walk Around
ФотографВладимир Якубов
ЛокализацияOntario Regiment Museum, Oshawa

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Ordnance QF 25 pounder Walk Around
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Повече информация:

The QF 25pdr Mark II Field Gun was a British artillery piece used during the Second World War. It was designed to fire both high-explosive and armour-piercing shells, making it a versatile weapon for both direct and indirect fire. The gun had a calibre of 87.6 mm and a barrel length of 3.45 m. It could fire up to eight rounds per minute at a maximum range of 12.25 km. The gun was mounted on a split-trail carriage that allowed it to be towed by a truck or a tractor. The gun crew consisted of six men: the commander, the layer, the loader, the breech operator, the ammunition number and the driver. The QF 25pdr Mark II Field Gun was widely used by the British Army and its Commonwealth allies in various theatres of war, such as North Africa, Europe and Asia. It was also exported to several countries after the war, such as Israel, India and Pakistan. The gun was praised for its accuracy, reliability and mobility, and was considered one of the best field guns of its time.

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