Френско 47mm противотанково оръдие SA37

47 mm APX anti-tank gun

В експлоатация1934-1945
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1. 47 mm APX anti-tank gun was a French anti-tank gun that saw service in the first years of the Second World War.

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Френски 47mm SA37 противотанково оръдие Разходка наоколо
ФотографВладимир Якубов
ЛокализацияМузее деЗ Щори, Саумюр
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Повече информация:

1. 47 mm APX anti-tank gun was a French weapon developed in the late 1930s to counter the threat of German tanks. It was a modified version of the 75 mm field gun, with a longer barrel and a higher muzzle velocity. The gun fired armor-piercing shells that could penetrate up to 60 mm of steel at 500 meters. The gun was mounted on a two-wheeled carriage that could be towed by a truck or a tractor.
The gun had a crew of four: a commander, a gunner, a loader and a driver. The gun was used by the French army during the Battle of France in 1940, where it proved effective against the early models of German tanks. However, the gun was also vulnerable to enemy fire and air attacks, and many were captured or destroyed by the Germans. Some of the guns were later used by the Germans and their allies against the Allies in various fronts of Втората световна война.

преглеждания : 1895

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