Aichi E13A1 Zero Model 11 Midway Limited Edition - Hasegawa 01996


Ref 01996
ТипМасштабна модель

Aichi E13A1 Zero Model 11

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The Imperial Japanese Navy used the Aichi E13A floatplane for long-range recon from 1941-1945. Aichi E13A1s squared off against U.S. Naval ships and planes in the Battle of Midway. After the dust settled, three E13A1s from the cruiser Chikuma were lost – along with two from the Tone. This limited edition kit features a catapult.

Джерело: Aichi E13A1 Zero on HasegawaUsa

Aichi E13A1 Zero Model 11 Midway Limited Edition - Hasegawa 01996
Aichi E13A1 Zero Модель 11 Midway Limited Edition - Hasegawa 01996
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