USA 155mm Lång Tom

USA 155mm Lång Tom


Fotogalleri av en 155mm Long Tom, The 155 mm Long Tom was a 155 millimeter caliber field gun developed and used by the United States mililtary. It was produced in M1 and M2 variants (later known as the M59). Developed to replace the Canon de 155mm GPF, the gun was deployed as a heavy field weapon during World War II and the Korean War, and also classed as secondary armament for seacoast defense. The gun could fire a 45.36 kg (100 lb) shell to a maximum range of 22 km (13.7 mi), with an estimated accuracy life of 1,500 rounds.

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The US 155mm Long Tom was a powerful field gun that served in various conflicts from World War II to the Croatian War of Independence. It had a long barrel of 45 calibers and a maximum range of over 23 kilometers. It could fire different types of shells, including high-explosive, armor-piercing, and smoke. The Long Tom was mounted on a split-trail carriage that could be towed by a truck or a tractor. It had a crew of 8 to 10 men and a rate of fire of one shot every two minutes. The Long Tom was nicknamed after an earlier Civil War cannon of the same caliber.

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