Holland PRTL

Holland PRTL

SzerepetLégvédelmi ágyútartály

A Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard ("légvédelmi ágyútartály Gepárd", ismertebb nevén Flakpanzer Gepard) egy autonóm, minden időjárásra alkalmas német önjáró légvédelmi löveg (SPAAG). Az 1960-as években fejlesztették ki, és az 1970-es években terepen helyezték el, és többször frissítették a legújabb elektronikával. Ez volt a német hadsereg (Bundeswehr) és számos más NATO-ország légvédelmének sarokköve. Németországban a Gepardot 2010 végén fokozatosan megszüntették, hogy felváltsa a "SysFla", egy mobil és helyhez kötött légvédelmi rendszer, amely az LFK NG rakétát és az új MANTIS lövegrendszert használja. A SysFla mobil platformja valószínűleg a GTK Boxeren alapul.

Holland változat : Search radar: X band, 15 km range Tracking radar: X/Ka band, 13 km range The Dutch version was officially called the PRTL (PantserRupsTegenLuchtdoelen translating to “ArmourTrackAgainstAirtargets”), pronounced as “pruttel” (meaning ‘to sputter’) by the soldiers. The Dutch series version was made public through a photograph of a vehicle from a C-Company, the first to be equipped with the new weapon. Traditionally all Dutch vehicles in a company have names beginning with the company designation letter and this vehicle happened to have the individual name Cheetah painted in bold type on its turret. Inevitably the international press assumed “Cheetah” was the Dutch name for their Gepard version and this mistake found its way into most armour publications on the subject. In 2000 the Dutch military authorities, tired of constantly having to explain all this and considering “pruttle” was hardly a martial name anyway, conformed themselves to common error and made “Cheetah” the official designation, when the system was upgraded.

Forrás: Holland PRTL a Wikipédián

Dutch PRTL
FotósGert Burkert-Opitz
Várj, Keres holland PRTL fotók az Ön számára ...
Krauss-Maffei PRTL ‘Pruttel’ Walk Around
FotósMeindert de Vreeze

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További információ:

The Dutch PRTL Anti-aircraft is a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun that was developed by the Netherlands in the 1970s. It is based on the German Leopard 1 tank chassis and armed with two 35 mm Oerlikon KDA autocannons. The PRTL stands for Pantser Rups Tegen Luchtdoelen, which means Armored Tracked Against Air Targets. The PRTL was designed to provide low-altitude air defense for the Dutch Army against aircraft and helicopters. It can also engage ground targets with its cannons. The PRTL has a radar system that can detect and track targets up to 15 km away and a fire control system that can calculate the optimal firing solution.
The PRTL can fire up to 550 rounds per minute per cannon and has a maximum range of 4 km against aerial targets and 2 km against ground targets. The PRTL has a crew of three: a driver, a commander and a gunner. The PRTL entered service in 1979 and was used by the Dutch Army until 2006, when it was replaced by the Fennek Stinger missile system. The PRTL was also exported to Belgium, Chile and Jordan.

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