U-505 Type IXc U-Vene - Kävellä

U-505-tyypin IXc U-vene


Albumi: 56 photos walk-around du sous-marin «U-505 Type IXc U-Boat»

Galerie photo sur un U-505 Type IXc U-Boat, Le U-505 (Unterseeboot-505) est un sous-marin allemand qui a navigué durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ce sous-marin U-505 a été capturé intact par la marine américaine, il appartenait à l’Unterseebootsflottille N°2 basée à Lorient.

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The U-505 was a Type IXc U-Boat that served in the German Kriegsmarine during World War II. It was one of the most advanced and successful submarines of its time, capable of operating far from its bases in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The U-505 had a crew of 48 men and carried 22 torpedoes, as well as a 10.5 cm deck gun and various anti-aircraft weapons. It sank eight Allied ships, totaling 44,962 gross register tons, before it was captured by the US Navy on June 4, 1944. The capture of the U-505 was a rare and significant event, as it provided the Allies with valuable intelligence on German codes, technology and tactics. The U-505 is now preserved as a museum ship at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois.

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