M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle

M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle

TyyppiCombat Engineer Vehicle
ValokuvaajaGreg Smith

Albumi: 78 photos walk-around of a «M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle»

Photo gallery of a M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle, The M728 combat engineer vehicle is a military engineering vehicle based on an M60A1 Patton main battle tank chassis with a hydraulically operated dozer blade mounted on the front, thus effectively functioning as an armored bulldozer, plus an A-frame crane boom hinged on either side of the turret and a winch.

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The M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle is a full-tracked vehicle used for breaching, obstacle removal, and pioneering operations. It is based on an M60A1 Patton main battle tank chassis and equipped with a 165mm demolition gun, a dozer blade, a crane boom, and a winch. The M728 was developed in the 1960s by the US Army Engineer Research & Development Laboratories and produced from 1965 to 1987. It has been used by several countries, including Oman, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Portugal, and Singapore. The M728 is designed to perform various engineering tasks on the battlefield, such as clearing mines, demolishing bunkers, creating passages, and lifting heavy objects.

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