Hanomag ST-100

Hanomag ST-100

TyyppiSotilaallinen traktori
Kausi Toinen maailmansota

Nniiden Hanomag ST-100 tulee ennen toisen maailmansodan aikana kehitetyn siviilitraktorin kanssa. Se oli traktori 4 x 2, jossa oli 2 tai 4 ovea ja jossa oli vinssi.

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Hanomag ST-100 Kävele
ValokuvaajaVladimir Jakubov
LokalisointiMusee des Blindes- ja Saumuri
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The Hanomag ST-100 was a heavy tractor that was originally designed for agricultural and civilian use, but was also adopted by the German military during World War II. It had a powerful 100-horsepower diesel engine that could tow various loads, such as the V-2 rocket, aircraft, bombs and fuel trailers. The ST-100 was also known as the Gigant or the SS-100, depending on the version and the user. After the war, the production of the ST-100 continued under the name of ST-100, and it was widely used by the French army and other customers. The ST-100 was a reliable and versatile vehicle that served for many years in different fields and countries.

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